Okay, rather than my addiction to YouTube slowing down this page I shall give you a few hints of brilliant things to watch. The following things should be entered into the search box ...
1) Will it Blend (blendtec) - This is a load of videos showing Tom Dickinson (Legendary man) blend many, many things including an ipod, glow sticks, magnets, titanium golf balls, a coke can and loads of toys. I tell you now, once you have seen the meaningless destruction of so many items you begin to think of the value and what else of value could blend so well ...
2) Tintin middlesborough (nickdonnelly) - obviously these are the tintin shorts that I cannot wait to see
3) Aniballs (alistairmills) - Possible the greatest cartoon ever (and try to post a comment on it)
4) CSI: Bangor (alrightmullet) - My younger brother making many many short films at his uni. he has too much time on his hands. Who would be sad enough to make short films while at Uni ...
Just quickly, yeah, i think 'Magnolia' (Anderson, 1999) is absolutely awesome. I saw it once at Uni and thought it was okay and then - after Jo sent me a copy of the Aimee Mann tracks 'Wise Up' and 'Save Me' - I bought and watched the film again and it just might be one of my top ten films ever. I think it does get better the more you watch the film.
James 'Whitey' Bulger
This man scares me alot. He might be reading this and that scares me. He is who Jack Nicholson bases his character on in 'The Departed' (Scorcese, 2006). This man rose up to become one of two major mob bosses in the South Boston area in (obviously) Boston. In 1995 he got wind of the FBI putting together a indictment against him (I think that is how you use the term - correct me if I am wrong people) and fled - never to be seen again.

He is wanted for numerous murders and other mob-related activity. It wouldn't be such a big deal except for the fact that (a) he is on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List - find it online (http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/bulger.htm), the reward for him is $1,000,000 - and (b) the last known confirmed sighting of him was in 2002 in ... LONDON. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2799299.stm)
If anyone does find him through this blog I think I should have a little bit of that $1m ... because ... y'know ... I kinda helped.
If you are reading this 'Whitey' (If I can call you that), I do respect you for what you've done -fleeing the FBI for 12 years and never being found (I don't really respect the numerous murders and mob-related activity) - but if you are on your deathbed, don't let it be in vain, post me an e-mail and, yknow, I'll tell the FBI, they give me $1m and then you die: baddabing, everyone wins.
No offence
Please don't kill me.