Thursday, October 26, 2006

The plans for the weekend!

To begin ...

This weekend Jo and Alistair are staying from Friday to Sunday so that will be alot of fun! I have not seen Alistair in over a year and, since then, he has travelled all around Canada, a little bit of American I think, a little bit around Europe - Belgium and Germany if I recall - and, for a short period, he even grew a beard. I have seen the picture and he looks like a40 year old man. That means wise, not old. Jo, I saw in Telford last and we had a barrel of fun while he was staying with Rachel and Richard. Jo tells me that Beth may be coming up on Saturday, depending on her workload - so that is quite exciting. I also spoke briefly to Rhys Jones and Richard recently and attempted to coax them in coming and:

For Richard: Its only a family, just bail on it! They'll understand! Or ... argue with Rachel and storm off in a huff and although she will spend the night in tears wondering where you are, the following day when you get back just say you needed to 'clear your head' and that you 'acted like a fool', blah blah blh. In a years time it will be water under the bridge. Ho ho ho

For Rhys: Its just your parents! You haven't seen the clan for a-a-a-ages! Like I said, just come up after work! I'll buy you a toothbrush and three pints if you 'suprise' us. I live in hope.

Anyway, last night I got very drunk (Its half term and today everyone has the day off) on wine and guinness. Needless to say that I nearly died this morning. Eeueueegh. I didn't get sick though - so that must be a good thing. But I shant be getting drunk until Saturday night now!

Friday night though - SAW 3! Fuck, I cannot wait ... it will be awesome!


Unknown said...

"Casino Royale" comes out soon, too! I think of you whenever I see the trailer. I am also looking forward to "Saw 3" but I'll probably watch most of it with my head burried against Pete.

KYenglish said...


Unknown said...

Oh, you know, my horror movie stance: hand covering face, tiny hole in my fingers to peep out through, and my feet up in my lap.

KYenglish said...

hay say hi to them for me by the way. me and Rebecca went down to london and back for £5 today. Wanna know how? we went with the protest party. tell you about it later. hope all's well.

Anonymous said...

NIce mate, very nice indeed.
Sorry I didnt make it the wkend. Parents ay?
Had a word wit Sarah, we thinks it would cool if u guys all cam down to cardiff one wkend. Could be a balls filming wkend...? what u think. Think the guys would be up for a few drinks and some film making?