Believe you me ... his opinion is being formed as you read this topic ...
His views will become known very soon ...
Behold: Jo Gudgeon
Just a small blog charting my rise as a art graduate to becoming a fully qualified art teacher ... and then hopefully a move to LA in a few years time...
1 comment:
It's been long enough, the beast has awoken and has some things to say,
Yes indeed I did see Apocalypto despite my anti Mel Gibson rants over the past few weeks. And I did, in some senses, enjoy the film. It was certainly vividly made and there were some exciting moments and dramatic scenes. I felt like in the end it became a bit predictable what with all the running although the shot on the beach was beautifully creepy. The whole pit and wife situation was annoyingly contrite and there were times when it felt like meaning was being forced into moments with OTT pauses. I think the bit I hated the most was the whole beginning with the literal ten minutes of penis jokes. I guess Gibson wanted to suggest the Mayans had a crude sense of humour much like modern times and also give people a chance to laugh before all the crazy violence. I just felt embarrassed.
Fortunately the violence was far more respectfully done. Felt very real and didn't shy away from anything, could see the thoughtfulness in every decapitated head. Indeed the money spent on it was distinctly impressive so kudos to Gibson for loosening the purse strings. The epic scale of the piece was particularly evident as they walked through the city and I gazed in wonderment with Jaguar Paw and his buddies. Overall I’d say a pretty entertaining movie with a selection of especially compelling scenes but with a dose of Gibson hyperbole. Having said all that I saw Rocky Balboa last week and that was awesome, far better than it had any right to be. Sly KO’s Mel in the fifth, no doubt.
Anyway trust that I have responses to your defence of Titanic and attack on Tom Cruise and they shall be forthcoming in the next few days. You may be interested to know that Empire has just started a Prosecution & Defence of Divisive Movies type feature. The first subject; Titanic. And then Moulin Rouge. Methinks they may be the exact two films that we argued over the most fervently during our University Years, perhaps next month it’ll be Bad Boys? We live in hope.
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